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Children of Asclepius—The ancient order of Greek origin focuses on caring for and treating supernatural creatures. It is a neutral party in battles between various factions and offers succor to anyone who seeks aid. Their symbol is the Rod of Asclepius surrounded by a ring of leaves or flowers. It’s up to the artist on the exact depiction of the ring.


The Cursed—The group is a bastardization of everything holy, going all the way back to ancient Europe, and it can be assumed longer than that. There is a theory that the cursed have always existed. They adopted a symbol to recognize each other since worshipers of Xarifer never had a way to know each other. They each have the symbol tattooed on an inconspicuous location. The underside of the tongue, instep, and inner thigh are most common.


The Golden—This group came about the same time the Cursed began roaming the Earth. They eventually came to be marked by the alchemical symbol of the sun with two crossed swords. Like the Cursed, this mark is tattooed on them somewhere, typically where it can easily be hidden. They are mostly fallen angels, and during times when the Cursed are inactive, they assume human lives and live them while they wait for the call to action again.


Keys of Hecate—This organization links all witches to Hecate. It is super matriarchal, with the leaders being the highest-ranking female witches of the age, though not necessarily the oldest. A younger witch who thinks she can unlock her potential can challenge this position.


Order of the Day—A Vatican-sponsored group that hunts all supernatural creatures, no matter their origin or deeds. Of course, they hunt the problematic ones most often, leading to the lack of Unit Zero’s involvement. However, some rogue agents will entrap and kill even the most peaceful Supernaturals. They officially have a loose alliance with Unit Zero, though they will not hesitate to turn on them given the chance. They have a holding facility called The Tower. The official location is unknown to any but the highest ranks of the Order. Their symbol is a winged sword of the crossed keys of the Vatican.

Silver Bloods—A group of malevolent vampires with a vendetta against Were after their head vampire’s clan was nearly wiped out by werewolves in 1032 AD. Ever since then, the Silver Bloods have captured, tortured, and killed every Were they can find, and have refined weapons of silver as well as potions using wolfsbane and other ingredients to kill, maim, and otherwise eliminate were creatures of all kinds. They are a small but effective group, numbering no more than twenty at a time. They have no symbol that is known.


Unit Zero—the protection agency of all the Supernaturals worldwide. Each major and significant city has an outpost of at least three Unit Zero agents. They may have no organized grouping, or they may be in a very visible position of power such as a regular police office. They might also be completely hidden by the Mirage and only function as Unit Zero agents.

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